How to Change Your Built-In Squarespace Domain

And how to share a password protected site without your viewer having to enter a password! 🤯

Learn how to do it all in the next 3 minutes or less!


Watch the Video

Watch the YouTube video for step-by-step wizardry 🪄👩🏻‍💻


What is a Built-In Squarespace Domain?

Every Squarespace website has a free built-in domain, also sometimes called a Squarespace URL, that never expires. It’s a combination of two randomly generated words, a string of letters and numbers, and then You can absolutely just leave this as-is, but you can also customize it to look a little cleaner and more concise.


Where to Find Your Squarespace Domain

  • Settings

  • Domains & Email

  • Domains


How to Name Your Site

  • name your site between 3 and 30 characters

  • use letters, numbers, and hyphens

  • it has to begin with a letter and it can’t end in a hyphen

  • click Save and Confirm

Now that you’ve named your site, you’ll probably want to share it. First we’ll need to modify the Site Availability.


Three Options for Site Availability

When you first start a new Squarespace website by default you’re in trial mode, and also by default the site is set to private. So whether you’re a web designer and you want to share a draft with your client, or you’re building your own site and you just want to show it to your mom, if you share the link while it’s set to Private they won’t be able to see your site. We’re not ready to go Public, which would launch the website and we’d have to start paying for a Squarespace plan, so we’ll set it to Password Protected. You can Password Protect your site while it’s in trial mode *and* once it’s live.

  • Choose a password and click Save.


Sharing Your Password Protected Site URL

The old fashioned way: share the url along with the password, like this:

Hey, Mom, check out … the password is iluvmom

Or the super duper slick streamlined way: with the password built into the URL!


Add this to the end of your URL

  • /?password=yourpassword

So the full URL would look like this:



Try it out, send it to anyone you want to show your site to and you’ll look like such a smooth criminal they’ll think of extra websites for you to build because you’re such a tech wizard.

Let me know if this helps, let me know if you have any questions, and have a total blast designing your Squarespace website.


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Your Designer

I’m Kessiah, a Squarespace website designer for happy visionaries of all industries. I work with businesses and brands of all shapes and sizes, including startups, corporations, agencies, nonprofits, and solopreneurs. If you’ve got a project you’d like to discuss, you can email me at, leave me a note here, or book in for a free 15 minute consultation call here to tell me all about what you have in mind.


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Kessiah Carlbon

Hi, I’m Kessiah. I blend award-winning art with cutting-edge tech to create Radiant Websites for happy visionaries of all industries.

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