Forward Inertia

Colin was fed up with how hard it was to manage his old website and he wanted something fresh and updated that he could easily maintain himself post-launch. He wanted his visitors to know exactly what his business was about the moment they land on the page, with clear calls to action so they could book a meeting or submit their inventory in seconds with total clarity in the site’s UX.


Forward Inertia


B2B + Retail

Colin only needed a one page site that linked out to his scheduler and a client form, so we got to work on tons of customizations to make this site pop. Among some of the custom code we played with before arriving at this version were a custom two-button header CTA, hidden features set to only show on either desktop or mobile, subtle animations and hover effects, and custom graphic design for his icons and flow chart. After a quick training, Colin is already in there maintaining the site himself.

Forward Inertia website in a color palette of whites and greens

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Kessiah Carlbon

Hi, I’m Kessiah. I blend award-winning art with cutting-edge tech to create Radiant Websites for happy visionaries of all industries.

Ginny Laracy


Kessiah Carlbon Fine Art